May 15, 2013UTC Telecom 2013, May 15-17, Houston, TX
How can you make your towers work for you?
By offering higher capacity, smaller, denser and smarter solutions – Telco Systems has you covered!
Visit us at UTC Telecom 2013 in Phillips Communications’ Booth #307 to learn more!
Join other utilities in the US that use their infrastructure to offer mobile backhaul services to mobile operators, or even utilize the same infrastructure to offer local businesses ultra-fast data services.
We understand that you provide services over a large area with varying conditions. Our field expertise with a variety of utilities has taught us how to customize our solutions for our clients, and how to work with them to deliver the right solutions – because we know that is the only way to compete for your business.
Telco Systems provides a broad portfolio of intelligent, CE 2.0-certified, edge-to-core solutions that operate in challenging environments. Our diverse set of products enables flexible network design to deliver reliable, secured services for any network topology and existing infrastructure.